
Here's a breakdown of how the grading will work:
  • Attendance: 20%
  • Reading responses: 40%
  • Topic presentation: 20%
  • Class participation: 10%
  • Quizes: 10%
Class attendance: Because this is going to be a fairly small class, we know when you're present or absent. Activity submissions will also be used in your class participation grade.

Late policy: No submission automatically gets a 0.

Academic Integrity and Collaboration

You may discuss assignments with others, but you should always give credit and be intellectually honest.

For all individual assignments, you should write the solution entirely on your own. Sharing or seeing other students' solutions (written material or code) is not allowed. If you discussed the assignment with anyone, you should explicitly list them in your report.

Failure to adhere to these policies may lead to serious penalties, including an F in the course and reference to the departmental and university committee.


There is no official textbook.


I'm not a GSAI student. Can I take the course?
Yes, we welcome students with diverse academic backgrounds! But assignments involve a lot of reading and discussions, research experience in machine learning is useful, but not required.
Can I audit the course?
Please talk to the course instructors in person during the first week of class.
What's the course load like?
This will be a course that will have reading / video materials for every class, and assignments throughout the semester. Please expect a continuous workload. On the positive side, since there are no big deadlines or exams, you're not likely to pull an all-nighter. Overall, we expect the total workload to be equivalent to other 3-unit courses.
The course seems to require proficienty in the Korean language to listen to talks, but my Korean isn't quite good. Maybe I shouldn't take it?
Unfortunately, this course will be in Korean due to unusual circumstances - we will be inviting external speakers every week and we could not convince every speaker to do a talk in English - most speakers will be doing their talk in Korean as a result. Should this be a problem for you, we encourage you to not enroll in this class. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.